Benefits social media marketing

In our modern interconnected world, most of us have already transitioned into an always-online state of mind where the Internet has become a ubiquitous and integral part of almost every aspect of our lives. The Internet influences everything we do, say and think in some capactity and this is also true for how we choose to spend our money. This is why virtually every company now has a social media prescence – be it through Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok or all of the above.

Why is social media marketing important? You want to be where your customers are and almost  4 billion people worldwide are on some kind of social media today. If you choose not to target new and recurring customers on social media, you are letting your competition take the upper hand against you. You are also letting your customers know that you either don’t want to stay in touch with them or that you are no longer relevant.

For all of these reasons, it is vital for a modern company to have a good SMM strategy readily available. If you are not making your voice heard, your customers won’t find their way to you. At the GLG Group we have narrowed down the benefits of social media marketing into three major categories:

1. Better lead generation and increased sales.

There is no better marketing channel than social media when it comes to generating quality leads. With social media platforms you are now able to reach potential new customers with ease thanks to a mixture of paid and organic marketing tactics. Some companies can reach outstanding results through lead generation, while lead generation is the bread and butter for some businesses. One example being our former clients in the online casino market.

For example, if a potential customer in Sweden searches for ” nätcasino utan konto ” a lead generator or operator in the online casino industry might pay for advertisements and retargeting campaigns written in the Swedish language, targeted towards that specific customer through Facebook, YouTube and/or Instagram. Meanwhile a British lead looking for similar information might get a completely different advertisement in their feed relating to online casinos with instant deposit. Social media makes more accurate and relevant leads possible.

2. SMM increases brand loyalty and awareness.

With a good social media marketing strategy it is now easier than ever for established customers and new potential leads to get in touch with you. Your brand is now more or less a person just like everyone else on social media. Customers and new leads are able to contact you directly in a way that wasn’t possible before. Also, useful tools such as Hashtags can be utilized to reach completely new audiences without having to do all the heavy lifting yourself. Just find good keywords and use them as hashtags in your posts and you can eventually find a massive influx of new customers to your brand and increase brand recognition.

Social media also gives you a perfect chance to engage with your market and individual customers in a revolutionizing way. If you are able to show your customer that you are available, willing to help and go the extra mile for them, you will increase brand loyalty and prolong relationships with your customers who might otherwise go to a competitor. This is of course not an overnight matter, but will instead take consistent work to pull off.

3. SMM will give you unique customer insights. 

For many companies, especially young and inexperienced ones, it can be difficult to know where to start in their marketing efforts. Should you pay for advertisements or stick to the organic route? Sure, it’s cheaper on the short term, but will take a lot of hard work before it pays off. But what if your paid advertisement falls on deaf ears?

Luckily, search engine marketing holds the secrets to your customers’ desires. If you are able to identify your target audience clearly, social media can help you tap into your customers’ likes and dislikes as well as how they perceive your brand and product at any given moment. Before social media, this was much more of a guessing game unless you had the time and money to conduct long and arduous customer surveys. Today, you can easily collect endless amount of data relating to your customers and listen in on their conversations about your brand. If you are to successfully adapt to your newfound insights, you should not be afraid of criticism. Don’t forget, the customer is always right!

SMM is the future of marketing

This list is fairly short, so we are in no way saying that this is all there is to social media marketing. Think of it more like the foundation, the ground principles of why social media marketing is important to succeed in the modern marketing landscape. With each passing year, the Internet keeps growing at an unfathomable rate and sooner or later all businesses will have an online prescence. So make sure that you prepare your business for a future of SMM before all of your competitors beat you to it.